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 Designer's Experimental Rules

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4 participants
Papy Harzen
Quartier Maître 1ère classe
Quartier Maître 1ère classe
Papy Harzen

Nombre de messages : 31
Age : 59
Date d'inscription : 17/04/2007

Designer's Experimental Rules Empty
MessageSujet: Designer's Experimental Rules   Designer's Experimental Rules Icon_minitimeMer 2 Mai - 17:45

Sur le site officiel, Richard Baker propose des règles "expérimentales" qui m'ont l'air bien sympathiques, les avez vous testé?

Pour mémoire:

-Engaged Fighter: Si un chasseur engage un avion ennemi durant la phase d'Air Defense, il ne peut plus attaquer durant la phase d'Air Attack. Logique, le gars est occupé à 2000 pieds avec les bombardiers adverses, il n'a pas le temps de revenir straffer du marin...

-Harrassed Sub: Un marqueur "harrassed sub" est mis sur un sous-marin ennemi quand un avion ou un navire l'engage, deux marqueurs peuvent être mis au total.
Durant la phase d'attaque de torpilles, chaque marqueur réduit de 1 la valeur d'attaque du dit sous-marin (jusqu'à un minimum de 1).
Le coco qui s'est fait secouer les pruneaus par les zincs et les destroyers toute la matinée est moins partant pour faire le malin avec ses torpilles quand vient l'après-midi...

-Facing: vous devez choisir une position pour vos navires/SM à la fin de leur mouvements, ils doivent pointer vers un secteur adjacent, au choix.
Pas d'intérêt sauf avec ce qui suit...

-Maneuvering: les navires/SM doivent se conformer à ces règles durant la phase de mouvement:
-Auxilliaries, Battleships, carriers and Cruisers
*Peuvent changer de position gratuitement après être entré dans un nouveau secteur.
*Ne peuvent changer de position au début du mouvement qu'en dépensant 1 MP
*Peuvent se positionner librement à la fin de leur mouvement
-Les autres navires font ce qu'ils veulent (je résume).
Cette règle est bien trouvée pour éviter les manoeuvres savantes autour des objectifs et donner un peu de lourdeur aux gros poissons...

Il y a aussi des règles sur les arcs de tir, sur le positionnement pour tirer et la combat de nuit mais moins rigolotes je trouve.

Je pense les essayer bientôt (dés que mes gobelins seront qualifiés à Blood bowl, en fait) mais si des matelots ont déjà eu des retours cela m'intéresse.

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Amiral Isoroku Yamamoto
Amiral Isoroku Yamamoto

Nombre de messages : 1131
Age : 51
Localisation : IJN Akagi
Date d'inscription : 27/04/2007

Designer's Experimental Rules Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Designer's Experimental Rules   Designer's Experimental Rules Icon_minitimeMer 2 Mai - 17:51

Engaged Fighter: Les chasseurs n'avait que peu d'autonomie en munitions, ils ne pouvait qu'engager que peu d'ennemis.

Harrassed Sub: Suis pas convaincu... Cela est surement faît pour que la puissance des sous marins diminue.

Faut voir avec les manoeuvres pour ne pas alourdir le jeu (qui doit rester facile d'accès sinon à plus qu'à jouer à "Amirauté").

Dernière édition par le Mer 2 Mai - 19:37, édité 1 fois
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Papy Harzen
Quartier Maître 1ère classe
Quartier Maître 1ère classe
Papy Harzen

Nombre de messages : 31
Age : 59
Date d'inscription : 17/04/2007

Designer's Experimental Rules Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Designer's Experimental Rules   Designer's Experimental Rules Icon_minitimeMer 2 Mai - 18:05

Amiral Isoroku Yamamoto a écrit:
Cela est surement faît pour que la puissance des sous mains diminue.

En même temps c'est normal, quand on voit la puissance destructrice d'un sous-main, cela devrait être interdit...applaudir

Papy taquin
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Nombre de messages : 519
Age : 55
Date d'inscription : 02/04/2007

Designer's Experimental Rules Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Designer's Experimental Rules   Designer's Experimental Rules Icon_minitimeMer 2 Mai - 18:44

Je suis assez pour les 2 premières règles (engaged fighter et harassed sub), par contre facing et manoeuvering je trouve que ça risque d'alourdir le jeu (amha)

P.S: c'est vrai qu'une attaque de sous-mains, c'est fatal Laughing ;)

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Amiral Isoroku Yamamoto
Amiral Isoroku Yamamoto

Nombre de messages : 1131
Age : 51
Localisation : IJN Akagi
Date d'inscription : 27/04/2007

Designer's Experimental Rules Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Designer's Experimental Rules   Designer's Experimental Rules Icon_minitimeMer 2 Mai - 19:37

*Les hommes s'affairent aux abords de la catapulte*
*Un pilote monte dans l'hydravion après un long cérémonial*
*Le "Jake" prend son envol et commence à faire des ronds autour de la cible prêt à corriger le tir*
*3 tourelles pivotent à Tribord, les marins se mettent à l'abri*
*les énormes canons de 460 sèment l'enfer*

canon canon canon

Vous aurez compris...:haddock:
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Papy Harzen
Quartier Maître 1ère classe
Quartier Maître 1ère classe
Papy Harzen

Nombre de messages : 31
Age : 59
Date d'inscription : 17/04/2007

Designer's Experimental Rules Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Designer's Experimental Rules   Designer's Experimental Rules Icon_minitimeJeu 3 Mai - 10:04

Bordée évitée...8)

Pour les règles de facing et Maneuvering, je vous donnerai mon sentiment un fois essayées.
Par contre ce même sentiment sera forcément biaisé (ouf, j'ai pas oublié le i...) par le fait que je suis avant tout un joueur de fig et que ce type de règles constituent à mon sens le coeur de tout bon jeu...De figs justement.
A partir de là l'aspect "lourdeur" en plus ne me semble pas évident, une réfexion supplémentaire quant au placement et à l'anticipation oui mais cela donne une dimension supplémentaire dans le plaisir à mon avis.

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Second Maître 2e classe
Second Maître 2e classe

Nombre de messages : 54
Age : 47
Localisation : Toulouse
Date d'inscription : 29/05/2007

Designer's Experimental Rules Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Designer's Experimental Rules   Designer's Experimental Rules Icon_minitimeDim 17 Juin - 11:15

Je remets ici la version à jour des regles experimentales de Richard Baker :

La premiere partie me semble indispensable et est un reel réequilibrage du système. Perso je les joue dans toute mes parties, je m'attends d'ailleurs à ce qu'elles soient incluses dans les "core rules". Si un modo passe par la ce serait d'ailleurs pas mal de mettre cette partie en épinglé et en haut de topic.

Citation :


This version simplifies Small Ship Evasion by removing the air and torpedo attack modifiers, but makes up for it by adding the Strafing rule and removing the "minimum 1 die" limitation from ASW Threat.

ASW Threat
The presence of ASW ships and planes interferes with a submarine’s ability to attack. A Submarine takes a –1 die penalty to torpedo attacks for each of the following that is true:

* An enemy Aircraft made an ASW attack against the Submarine during the Air Attack phase;
* An enemy Ship with an ASW value of 1 or better is local or adjacent to the Submarine during the Torpedo Attack phase.

Multiple ASW Threats stack; if you have several destroyers nearby, you can reduce the Submarine’s torpedo attack to 0 dice or less. If you do, the submarine simply can't attack unless other special abilities add sufficient attack dice to restore its attack to 1 die or better.

When you place a fighter in the Air Mission phase, you can place a "strafing" marker with it. In order to use its Gunnery value later in the turn, you *must* have a Strafing marker on your fighter.

- Fighters with Strafing markers take -2 to Armor and -2 to Vital Armor.
- Fighters with Strafing markers can't make Antiair attacks and can't use their Escort special ability.
- You must have a Strafing marker on your fighter to make a Gunnery attack during the Air Attack phase.
- Remove Strafing markers during the Air Return phase.

Small Ship Evasion
Destroyers and Torpedo Boats are naturally evasive and hard to hit.

* Gunnery Attack: Battleship main battery attacks take –2 per attack die against small ships (only hit on a 6, but 6 still counts as 2 hits). Battleship main battery attacks can’t hit Destroyers orTorpedo Boats at range 0 or at extended range.
* Torpedo Attack: Torpedo attacks can't hit Torpedo Boats.

How to Win
The first player to score 150 points wins the game. Check your score at the end of each turn.

You score points in three ways:

* When you destroy an enemy unit, you score points equal to the cost of the unit.
* When you seize an objective sector, you score 50 points.
* If your enemy has no Ships remaining in play, you score 50 bonus points.

It’s possible that both players might reach 150 points or more in the same turn. In that case, the player who achieves the higher score wins. If at any time your opponent has no units left at the end of a phase, the game ends and you win.

Celles qui suivent sont plus dans l'optique d'approfondir la complexite du jeu et donc moins nécessaire :

Citation :


When you place a fighter in the Air Mission phase, you can place a "strafing" marker with it. In order to use its Gunnery value later in the turn, you *must* have a Strafing marker on your fighter.

- Fighters with Strafing markers take -2 to Armor and -2 to Vital Armor.
- Fighters with Strafing markers can't make Antiair attacks and can't use their Escort special ability.
- You must have a Strafing marker on your fighter to make a Gunnery attack during the Air Attack phase.
- Remove Strafing markers during the Air Return phase.

[i]Use this rule or Engaged Fighters, you don't need to use them both![i]

Engaged Fighters
When your fighter attacks another airplane in the Air Defense phase, put a “Fighter Engaged” marker on your fighter. A fighter with a Fighter Engaged marker can’t attack in the Air Attack phase. Remove the marker in the Air Return phase.

This rule means that fighters no longer get to shoot at an enemy airplane in the Air Defense phase and then “strafe” an enemy Ship in the same sector in the Air Attack phase. This should slightly cut down the number of “free” attacks fighters get to make against enemy Ships.
This rule makes fighters just a little less valuable.

Harassed Subs
After your Aircraft or Ship makes an ASW attack against a submarine, place a “Harassed” marker next to the sub that was attacked.
You can place a bonus “Harassed” marker if:- a second unit makes an ASW attack against that same sub; or- another friendly Ship with an ASW value is in or adjacent to the harassed sub’s sector.

You can place a maximum of 2 Harassed markers on a sub.
In the Torpedo Attack phase, each Harassed marker reduces the harassed sub’s torpedo attack value by 1 die, to a minimum of 1 die. Apply this special modifier before applying any other bonuses or penalties (so wolfpacked U-boats get +1 die back, the Ambra gets +1 die against destroyers, and so on).
Remove Harassed markers from submarines at the end of the turn.

This rule substantially weakens subs, and increases the importance of including ASW vessels in your fleets. Your ASW vessels will be able to more effectively screen your big ships by getting into the same sector as a sub and harassing it, thereby reducing it to a 1- or 2-die torpedo attack under most circumstances. This rule also rewards using teamwork to suppress subs; a pair of ASW ships working together are likely to double-harass a sub.
Subs may be significantly overcosted in this variant, or destroyers may be undercosted--they will certainly suppress subs much better.

When you finish moving a Ship or Submarine in the Movement Phase, you must choose a facing for it. Point the bow at one adjacent sector. (This simulates hexside facing.)
For large models, we recommend actually pushing the bow into the sector the ship’s facing. Many of the large models overlap the sectors a bit anyway. For small models, set the bow touching the sector border on the sector the ship’s facing toward.

Ships and Submarines must observe the following rules when moving:

Auxiliaries, Battleships, Carriers, Cruisers
* You can change facing for free after you enter a new sector.
* Otherwise, you can change facing to any new heading for 1 MP.
* At the end of your movement, choose any new facing you like.

Destroyers, Torpedo Boats, Submarines
* You can change facing for free at any point in your movement.
* At the end of your movement, choose any new facing you like.

In other words, larger ships must begin their movement by moving into the sector their bow’s pointing at, or immediately pay 1 movement point to come to a new heading of their choice before moving. Smaller ships and submarines can simply spin in place and start moving on a new heading with no cost in movement points. However, they still must choose a facing at the end of their turn.

This rule makes it more difficult for large ships to deftly maneuver around objectives in constricted waters, and may result in a serious impingement in their ability to claim or deny objectives. We’re not sure how that will affect gameplay, but it seems likely that there will be occasions when a big ship can’t maneuver to an objective it could have claimed under the basic movement rules.

Arcs of Fire
The only arcs of fire you care about are dead ahead and dead astern. Those are the “hexrows” or rows of sectors projected straight out from your bow and your stern. We assume that your captains can sail a little bit “off course” and unmask their batteries for just about everything else other than the hex rows directly in front and directly behind you.
Effects on Gunnery: Gunnery attacks against targets dead ahead or dead astern take a -1 penalty on each die (hit only on 5 or 6) to represent reduction in firepower as compared to your normal broadside.
Effects on Torpedo Attacks: None. We assume you unmask, fire, and resume your course.

This variant makes initiative much more important, since the Second Player can see where he needs to move his ships in order to “cross the T.” Taking a –1 penalty to gunnery is not really as stringent a penalty as it could be—it only reduces hits by 25%, and most ships firing dead ahead or dead astern were usually reduced in firepower by about 50%. But we don’t want to over-reward going second, which is good enough already.

Ships with Unorthodox Battery Arrangements
Several ships in the set have battery arrangements that deserve special abilities if you use the Arcs of Fire variant.

Richelieu: The Richelieu suffers no attack penalty to main battery attacks against targets dead ahead of her, or secondary battery attacks dead astern. She cannot make main battery attacks dead astern, or secondary battery attacks dead ahead.

HMS Rodney: The Rodney cannot make main battery attacks dead astern, or secondary battery attacks dead ahead.

St. Lo: The St. Lo cannot make main battery attacks dead ahead.

Akagi: The Akagi cannot make main battery attacks dead ahead or dead astern.

Tone: The Tone cannot make main battery attacks dead astern.

There you go! I hope some of these ideas help out your "simulation value" and gameplay without adding too much complexity.
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